
While each coaching plan is designed specifically for an individual or teams, there is a process that each coaching engagement follows.

Initial Engagement

“Fear not that thy life shall come to an end, but rather fear that it shall never have a beginning.”
John Henry Newman

The Initial Engagement phase is broken down into three areas.  Various assessment exercises will be conducted during this time. This segment includes a joint review of those assessments resulting in defining overall coaching ‘Success Metrics’ and a specific ‘Coaching Plan’.


Let’s look in the mirror together and get to know yourself for the first time…

The Execution phase consists of regular, one-on-one, coaching sessions conducted at mutually agreed upon intervals.  During this phase, goals and objectives defined during the initial engagement are reviewed and evaluated based upon progress achieved and challenges encountered. During this phase the coach focuses upon being a thinking partner and an accountability partner to help the client(s) achieve the goals they have set for themselves.


Stuck? Let’s work together to get you out of that rut and back on the highway of life!

Coaching is always about moving forward and growing deeper and success always begs for a Celebration!   This final phase is a time for Coach and Client to review progress achieved, dream about what is next and have a little fun!