
Executive Coaching

“Though good advice lies deep within the heart, a person with understanding will draw it out.” Proverbs 20:5

Leadership can be a lonely place.

Here are some of the things we hear from our clients:

  • “I am exhausted!”
  • “There are some things I just can’t share with my team.”
  • “I need to leave this role and think about the next career move.”
  • “I wish I had an unbiased sounding board, a truth teller.”
  • “I would like to verbally think through some new ideas.”
  • “I am losing my family while I am falling behind at the office.”

We see coaching as:

“Partnering with clients in a thought-provoking and creative process that inspires them to maximize their personal and professional potential. The process of coaching often unlocks previously untapped sources of imagination, productivity and leadership.”

International Coach Federation (ICF)

Vylūnė and Curtis combine their many years of personal executive experience with sound ICF coaching principles and methods to help business executives move forward and grow deeper in their respective leadership roles or personal journey.

Team Coaching

“If everyone is moving forward together, then success takes care of itself.”
Henry Ford

Team success requires collective productivity.

Some of the things we hear from teams:

  • “Too many opinions, not enough solutions”
  • “Why are we here? Where are we going?”
  • “We need focus!”
  • “It feels like we have lost energy, momentum”
  • “Who is leading this mess?”
  • “Sad but true, our team died young….from over planning!”

We see Team Coaching as the same tried and true ICF methods of coaching into a small team setting:

  • Develop new ways of thinking strategically together
  • To help individuals become coaches in their own leadership roles
  • To learn new ways of framing questions that support unity and achievement of group goals and objectives
  • Enhance problem solving in a group setting maximizing individual skills and talent
  • To move forward and grow deeper together as a group

To remember to celebrate before moving on to achieve higher goals and objectives!

Individual Coaching

“A Problem Well Stated is Half Solved.”
Charles Kettering

Thinking on your own can be a one-way street.

Some of the things we hear from our individual clients:

  • “I need a safe place for difficult conversations”
  • “As a woman leader in business I am facing some unique challenges.”
  • “I am just stuck. Can’t move forward and I don’t understand why?”
  • “I am 45 years old and was let go from my job. Keep asking…Who am I ?”
  • “It is like I am on a journey and I have no idea what the destination is…”

We embrace the “Co-Active Coaching” platform that focuses upon 4 cornerstone principles:

  • People are naturally creative, resourceful, and whole. People are not broken and do not need fixing, and have their own innate wisdom on how to live life.
  • Dance in this moment is a metaphor for the capacity to deal with anything and everything that arises in a relationship, elegantly and powerfully.
  • Focus on the whole person and work with the full range of our humanity, rather than seeing only a particular circumstance, challenge or opportunity.
  • Evoke transformation is about calling forth radical, evolutionary changes, and not making small incremental changes.